Free audio converter that converts audio files to MP3, AAC, AC3, WMA, FLAC, Opus, M4A, OGG, WV, AIFF, WAV and other formats. Moreover, the program allows extraction of audio tracks from video files without loss of sound quality.
Supported input formats: over 70 audio and video formats, including AVI, MP4, MP3, MOV, FLV, 3GP, M4A, MKV, WMA.
Pazera Free Audio Extractor is a universal audio converter. The program allows extraction of audio tracks from audio and video files without loss of sound quality or conversion to MP3, AAC, AC3, E-AC3, Ogg-Opus, Ogg-Vorbis, WMA, FLAC, M4A-AAC, M4A-ALAC, WV (WavPack), MKA-Opus, CAF-Opus, AIFF or WAV.
To convert audio streams to MP3 the application uses the latest version of the LAME encoder. The program supports encoding with a constant bit rate – CBR, average bitrate – ABR and variable bit rate – VBR (based on LAME presets).
The application supports over 70 audio and video formats, including AVI, MP3, FLV, MP4, MKV, MPG, MOV, RM, 3GP, WMV, WebM, VOB, FLAC, AAC, M4A.
In addition, the program allows you to split input files based on chapters (often found in audiobooks).
The program has a number of predefined settings (profiles) specially designed for novice users. More advanced users can customize audio encoding parameters used by encoder: audio bitrate, sampling frequency, audio channels, audio volume and other. The application allows to extract/convert full audio track or selected range only.
At default settings, the application automatically selects all encoding parameters to maintain the original sound quality.
The Pazera Free Audio Extractor interface is very simple and user-friendly. To convert audio files or extract audio tracks from video files, just drag & drop them into main window, select proper profile from list, and click the
button. If the audio quality is poor, increase audio bitrate.Tutorials
The most important features
- Supported output formats: MP3, AAC, AC3, E-AC3, Ogg-Opus, Ogg-Vorbis, WMA, FLAC, M4A-AAC, M4A-ALAC, WV (WavPack), MKA-Opus, CAF-Opus, AIFF, WAV.
- The possibility of extracting the original audio tracks from a video files without loss of sound quality.
- The possibility of extraction/conversion any audio track from video files containing multiple audio tracks.
- Splitting the output files based on chapters stored in the source files.
- Support for all the LAME encoder presets when converting to MP3.
- Copying of metadata from the source files.
- Displaying detailed technical information about the source files in the File properties window.
- Many predefined conversion profiles. The users can create custom profiles.
- Adding files to the file list by Drag and Drop.
- The program is portable: it does not use system registry and all settings are stored in INI files. Thus, the program can be run from portable devices such as pendrives, removable drives.
- The ability to save encoder commands to BAT file.
- The program has a built-in support for multiple languages. Current version supports Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (BR), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.
- 100% freeware! – for private and commercial use. There are no limitations, adware, spyware etc.
How to uninstall?
- Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Programs, and then clicking Programs and Features.
- On the list of installed programs select Pazera Free Audio Extractor and then click Uninstall. This will launch the uninstall wizard.
- Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
End User License Agreement
3rd party software
To encode the video and audio files the program uses the FFmpeg encoder (ffmpeg.org).
To retrieve information about video files, the program uses the library MediaInfo.dll (http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/).
The program is accompanied by a special version of the FFmpeg encoder, adapted to the needs of the program. Not recommended to use other versions of FFmpeg.
Version 2.11 (2021.01.19)
- Updated conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- Information about the conversion progress is displayed on the title bar of the main window and on the taskbar.
- Fixed Stack overflow bug when selecting next files in the list very quickly.
- Added support for files from network shares whose names start with the characters
. - Added support for the SoX audio resampler (libsoxr).
- File properties window: when saving the report to a text file, UTF-8 encoding is used (in previous versions the system default code page was used).
- After the user has interrupted the conversion, the program displays a window asking whether to delete the incompletely converted file. Such files usually have a damaged internal structure and cannot be played.
- If incorrect parameters are passed to the conversion engine (FFmpeg) and the conversion process fails, the output file will be automatically deleted. Such a file usually does not contain any data (0 bytes in size) and only unnecessarily litter the disk.
- The ability to display the system File properties dialog for a file selected on the list has been added.
- File properties window: Displaying the CRC32 checksum and MD5 hash of files up to 200 MB in size.
- Added support for additional WAV (PCM) encoders: pcm_s24le, pcm_s32le, pcm_s64le, pcm_u8, pcm_mulaw, pcm_f32le, pcm_f64le.
- Added support for additional AAC encoder: FFmpeg-AAC.
- Fixed display of information returned by FFprobe. In version 2.10, in addition to the actual data, some unnecessary junk information was also displayed.
- Improved handling of user-created profiles.
- New conversion profile: Audiobook-Opus
Version 2.10 (2019.10.15)
- Updated conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- New MP3 encoder settings: stereo mode (L/R stereo, joint stereo), encoding algorithm quality, bit reservoir, lowpass filter.
- New Vorbis encoder options: bitrate mode, VBR presets, minimum and maximum bitrate, lowpass filter, option to set the output file extension to
. - New AAC encoder options: bitrate mode, VBR presets (modes), audio profile and lowpass filter.
- New Opus encoder options: bitrate mode, the ability to set the encoding algorithm complexity, frame duration, low-pass filter, the ability to fine-tune the work of the encoder to process audio files containing music or recorded human speech.
- Improperly selected audio sampling frequencies in profiles using the Opus encoder have been corrected.
- New FLAC encoder options: bit depth, compression level, audio channel mode, multidimensional quantization, precision and linear predictive coding methods and more.
- Automatic parameter selection (including bit depth) when converting FLAC files has been improved.
- New WavPack encoder options: stereo mode, compression level, sample format.
- New toolbar (displayed at the left edge of the main window) with functions for managing the file list.
- Ability to block search of subdirectories when adding folders to the processing list.
- Displaying the output directory on the title bar of the Output panel. This directory is also displayed when the panel is collapsed, so you no longer have to expand it to see where the resulting files will be saved.
- Added the ability to number the file list in ascending order. This function can be useful after deleting some files, sorting or manually changing the order of files in the list.
- The ability to define two sets of additional command line options passed to the FFmpeg encoder and the ability to set the order of passing these parameters relative to the parameters selected by the program has been added.
- The information module has been extended.
Data returned by MediaInfo is now also displayed in HTML and JSON format.
A new tab has been added with the hexadecimal dump of the first 10 KB of the examined file.
For easier identification, video streams are now highlighted in red, audio – green, subtitles – purple, chapters (menu) – blue.
The window layout is now saved to the configuration file and restored the next time the program is started. - Added the option to restore default values for each supported encoder separately. Appropriate commands are in the Encoder menu and on the Audio panel.
- The control displaying the list of available output formats and associated audio encoders has changed. All lossy encoders are highlighted in blue, lossless encoders in purple.
- When turning on dark visual styles, the main window icons are slightly grayed out to reduce the contrast.
- The ability to convert MXF files has been added.
- New language files: Slovak and Slovenian.
- New About window displaying additional information.
- Lots of smaller improvements and bug fixes.
- Support for Windows XP was dropped. Windows Vista or later is required. Maintaining compatibility with Windows XP would prevent the use of new technologies, audio and video encoders, and new FFmpeg features only available for Windows Vista and newer.
Version 2.9 (2018.07.29)
- Added ability to select the bitrate mode when converting to MP3: CBR – constant, ABR – average, VBR – variable (based on LAME presets).
- New output format: E-AC3 (Enhanced AC3).
- Added possibility of extracting E-AC3 audio tracks.
- Added the option to choose the format of the extracted AAC audio tracks: M4A, AAC (ADTS – Audio Data Transport Stream), MKA (Matroska audio).
- Displaying the selected audio encoder in the header part of the panel with the audio conversion settings. As a result, the selected audio encoder is also visible when the panel is collapsed.
- New conversion profiles.
- A few additional minor improvements.
Version 2.8 (2018.07.12)
- Updated conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- New module: Check for updates.
- Added option to save the creation, last access and last write time of the source files in the output files.
- A new control displaying a list of profiles. Now additional separators are displayed between the profiles, which increases the readability.
- Fixed a bug that caused some of the conversion parameters reset when switching visual styles.
- Fixed a bug that prevented closing the window with the conversion progress when the conversion ended with the minimized main window of the application (on Windows 10).
- A small changes to many controls: file list (table), buttons, audio volume slider, some panels…
- Bug fixes and other enhancements.
Version 2.7 (2018.01.30)
- Updated conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- Fixed an error causing incorrect mapping of audio streams when setting FFmpeg conversion parameters in files containing multiple audio streams and at least one video stream.
- Fixed restoring the main window position after program restart when visual styles are enabled.
- Added the ability to select visible columns from the context menu of the file list and from the main menu.
- Automatic scrolling of text in the window with the conversion progress.
Version 2.6 (2017.11.16)
- New output formats/codecs: Opus (Ogg), MKA – Opus, CAF – Opus.
- New conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- New conversion profiles.
- New translations: Arabic, Dutch, Korean.
- Bug fixes and enhancements.
Version 2.5 (2017.05.09)
- New conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- Added ability to edit output directory list.
- Changes in the program interface: slightly modified toolbar and menus.
- New window: Tools Info
- Bug fixes and enhancements.
Version 2.4 (2016.12.03)
- From now program is also available in a 64-bit version.
- New conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- New output formats/codecs: M4A – ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec), WavPack, AIFF.
- Better support for FLAC files.
- Additional navigation buttons.
- Ability to set a prefix and suffix for the names of the generated files.
- New visual style: Cobalt XEMedia.
- Improved compatibility with Windows XP.
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
Version 2.3 (2016.08.04)
- New conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- Possibility to splitting the output files based on chapters stored in the source files.
- New columns: full file name, audio codec, audio codec ID, audio profile, audio bitrate, channels, sampling, audio stream size, menu, chapter count, chapter number, chapter title, chapter start, chapter end.
- Displaying a more detailed information about the source files in the File properties window.
- New actions: clear file list, uncheck all files, check selected files, uncheck selected files.
- Possibility to hide panel with conversion settings.
- Added support for Swedish language.
Version 2.2 (2016.06.14)
- New conversion engine (FFmpeg) and multimedia information library (MediaInfo).
- New file list control with many additional features (sorting, row and column moving…).
- Changed toolbar.
- New icons.
- Better support for visual styles.
- Added support for additional languages: Chinese, Russian.
Version 2.1 (2014.07.05)
- Changes in the program interface.
- New version of the FFmpeg encoder and MediaInfo library.
- Improved detection of data streams in video/audio files.
- Added support for Bulgarian and Hungarian languages.
Version 2.0 (2013.11.19)
- New interface.
- Support for new input formats: M4B, WebM, OGV, OGA, DTS, DTS-HD, EAC3, AIFF, GSM, MP1, QCP (qcelp), RA, TrueHD, VQF, MP4V, MKA, M2TS, MTS, WTV, F4V, F4P, F4A, F4B, VIDEO, M4R, AVS.
- New output format: M4A.
- New version of the FFmpeg encoder.
- Improved detection of data streams in video/audio files.
- Added mechanism to support multiple languages.
- Through the use of library MediaInfo.dll, the program displays detailed information about the selected video/audio file.
- Added support for visual styles.
- Numerous modifications to the source code and bug fixes.
Version 1.4 (2010.09.12)
- New version of the FFmpeg encoder.
- Support for the latest version of LAME encoder – 3.98.4
- The possibility of extraction/conversion any audio track from video files containing multiple audio tracks.
- A minor of modifications to the source code and bug fixes.
Version 1.3 (2009.04.04)
- New version of the FFmpeg encoder.
- A minor of modifications to the source code and bug fixes.
Version 1.2 (2008.09.26)
- Conversion to OGG Vorbis and OGG FLAC.
- Fixed decoding of AAC files.
- Support for the latest version of LAME encoder – 3.98.2
Version 1.1 (2008.09.20)
- Extracting audio tracks from video files without loss of sound quality.
- New version of the FFmpeg encoder.
- Support for the latest version of LAME encoder – 3.98
- New audio codec – FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec).
- Support for more audio & video formats.
- Volume control.
- Support for additional FFmpeg command line parameters.
- A number of modifications to the source code and bug fixes.
Version 1.0 (2008.03.17)
Initial release.