Free Color Picker is a program that lets you capture the color of any pixel displayed on the screen. To facilitate color capturing, there is a screen magnifier in the center of the main window that displays an enlarged image around the current cursor position.
Free Color Picker is a program that lets you capture the color of any pixel displayed on the screen. To capture a color, just move the cursor to the desired position and press the F4 key. The color below the cursor will be added to the color palette located in the right part of the main window.
To facilitate color capturing, there is a screen magnifier in the center of the main window that displays an enlarged image around the current cursor position. The maximum magnification is 30x.
Any captured color can be changed freely using the built-in color editor. In addition, the program allows easy modification of the entire color palette, sorting according to various criteria, generating random colors for given ranges of RGB component colors, searching for triad colors on a color wheel and many more.
The most important features
- Capturing the color of the pixel under the cursor (F4 hotkey).
- Copy the color code under the cursor to the system clipboard in the format selected by the user (F3 hotkey).
- Screen magnifier that enlarges the screen content around the current cursor position with a maximum magnification of 30x.
- The ability to set the algorithm used for zooming. The default algorithm – Box – does not change the color values. The other algorithms use color interpolation – they calculate the colors of empty pixels created after enlarging the image based on the colors of neighboring pixels in the original image. The most accurate, but also the slowest is the Lanczos algorithm.
- The ability to capture the pixel color at user-specified screen coordinates.
- Automatic capturing of color under the cursor at user-specified time intervals.
- Collapsible main window of the program (F11 hotkey).
- The ability to pick-up colors from PNG, JPG, BMP and GIF graphic files opened in the program.
- Displaying color numeric codes and copying them in 9 popular formats used on websites and in various programming languages.
- Saving and loading color palettes in a proprietary format (JSON text files with the .colors extension) and in the format used by GIMP program (.gpl files).
- An advanced color palette editor that allows you to change the name and value of each color, sort, number, move, add and remove colors, insert colors from external files into the current palette.
- Advanced color palette sorting: by number, name, value, intensity of RGB channels, CMYK color space components (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) and HSL color space components (hue, saturation, brightness).
- The possibility of many modifications of the entire color palette: color conversion to grayscale, inversion, change of brightness, contrast, setting color fading, mixing each color of the palette with the selected color, changing the HSL components of each color by the given value, inversion of selected RGB channels, setting the value of selected channels RGB to a given fixed numeric value or their change by a given size.
- Generating random colors for user-specified ranges of RGB channel values and ranges of HSL component values.
- Generating gradient colors with given start and end colors.
- A color mixer calculating the color obtained after mixing the two colors given by the user.
- The color wheel of the HSL space with a graphical representation of the complementary, triadic and tetradic colors.
- Drag and drop support when opening color palette files and organizing colors in the Color palette editor.
- The ability to export a color palette to an HTML file with a color table for publication on websites.
- Built-in multi-language support mechanism based on INI text files with UTF-8 encoding. To write subsequent language versions, an ordinary text editor is sufficient, e.g. the system Notepad.
- The program is portable: it does not use the system registry, and all configuration data is saved in one INI file located in the program directory. The program can be copied to an external disk and used on another computer without any installation.
- The program is completely free, for private and commercial use.
How to uninstall?
End User License Agreement
3rd party software
Icons courtesy of Axialis Software https://www.axialis.com/
Icons generated by Axialis Icon Generator at native size (scale 1x).
License: Free License with Attribution (CC BY-ND 4.0)
Open source projects / components used in the program:
- JPPack: https://github.com/jackdp/JPPack
- JPLib: https://github.com/jackdp/JPLib
- JPModLib: https://github.com/jackdp/JPModLib
- SpTBXLib: https://github.com/SilverpointDev/sptbxlib
- Toolbar2000: https://www.jrsoftware.org/tb2k.php
- PngComponents: https://github.com/UweRaabe/PngComponents
- Pegtop Common Components: http://www.pegtop.net/delphi/components/common/index.htm
- Graphics32 library: https://github.com/graphics32/graphics32
- Virtual TreeView: https://github.com/Virtual-TreeView/Virtual-TreeView
- Json Data Objects: https://github.com/ahausladen/JsonDataObjects
- TPJFormDropFiles: http://www.delphidabbler.com/software/dropfiles
- DzHTMLText2: https://github.com/jackdp/DzHTMLText2 (DzHTMLText fork)
- Color Lib: http://mxs.bergsoft.net/index.php?p=2
- GDI+ Library: https://github.com/jackdp/GDIPlus-Library-for-Delphi-and-Lazarus
Version 1.2.1 (2021.02.07)
- Fixed the Access violation error that displayed after pressing the Change color buttons in several program windows.
- The settings of the Automatic color capture window are now saved to the configuration file and loaded when the program starts.
- Corrections in the language module and translation files. Several strings were displayed in English only, regardless of the language selected by the user.
- New translation: Spanish.
- Updated language files: Greek, Japanese and Slovenian.
- Minor program interface fixes.
Version 1.2 (2021.02.04)
- Added the ability to hide the color palette in the main window (Ctrl+F12). The minimum width of the color palette has also been reduced. When the width is very small, only the number of colors is displayed in the palette title bar.
- Numerous source code optimizations, making the application run much faster.
- Added possibility to generate similar colors for the color selected in the main color palette (Ctrl+Shift+Q).
- Added the ability to change the border colors of rectangles displayed in the main color palette.
Version 1.1 (2019.09.03)
- Color Palette Editor: New columns: RGB Red, RGB Green, RGB Blue, HSL CSS Hue, HSL CSS Sat, HSL CSS Lum, HSL WIN Hue, HSL WIN Sat, HSL WIN Lum, CMYK Cyan, CMYK Magenta, CMYK Yellow, CMYK Black
- Color Palette Editor: The list of default visible columns and their arrangement have been changed.
- Color Palette Editor: New menu with a list of columns displayed after right-clicking on the table header. Now it is more color consistent with the other elements of the application interface.
- Color Palette Editor: A new toolbar button that displays a list of available columns.
- Color Palette Editor: Added the ability to filter colors based on the color name and the RGB, HSL and CMYK component values.
- Color Palette Editor: Background, text and header colors have been added for most columns.
- Pixel indicator in the screen magnifier: the ability to set the color and type of indicator (square, small cross, medium cross, full cross) has been added.
- Color Editor: The calculation of HSL color component values in the rainbow color picker has been improved.
- Random Colors: Predefined sets (presets) of ranges of RGB channel values and HSL CSS components have been added. Available presets: Pastels (light and dark), Intensive, Dark, Light, Grayscale.
- Random Colors: Added option to lock selected range on sliders to change RGB and HSL color components.
- A context menu with a list of color management commands has been added to several tool windows.
- Palette export to HTML: Added option to disable saving of JSON code in generated HTML files.
- The ability to quickly switch the size of the main window has been added: small size (Ctrl + Shift + 1), medium (Ctrl + Shift + 2) and large (Ctrl + Shift + 3).
- Commands displaying / hiding the panel with color codes and the bottom panel with the cursor position have been added to the main and context menu. Previously, this could only be done in the program options window.
- In the Options window you can now create a shortcut to the program on the System Desktop.
- Changed Color Wheel icon.
- Minor changes in the position and size of several components to correctly display texts in different languages.
- Translations: Added support for some missing strings (Random colors, open dialog, save dialog, dialog filter, lblResampler …).
- New translations: Greek, Japanese, Slovenian.
Version 1.0 (2019.08.16)
Initial release.